Monday, August 16, 2010

The First Chapter

I've always wanted to start a blog. Just never got around to it. The time and energy it would take to transfer my thoughts from pen and pad would be endless. So I'll start here, in the middle for now, and fill in later.

I came across google blogs fishing for an outlet on my driver surcharges. I've paid $1200 in surcharge fees. identification card. I owe $1000 on my Whoa!!! You say. As a (sob story here) 23 year old single mother and current college student, I have enough problems trying to get thru the day, let alone scrambling after buses and explaining to buses that the bus was late yet again. No, I'm not a single

 mother, my son has seen his Grandma only a handful of times (another blog day, far n the future), So I am full time everything. Mom, student and worker : Very proud of it. 

Yes, I could drive, even with my suspended license. But, I live in Texas, if I get caught driving with my 5 year old son in the car, they won't hesitate to take my child straight to CPS, not in Texas. Believe It.

So, After calling and realizing that I have another $4000 dollars in surcharges on my driver license, I give up. At least until the programs are underway. I can't wait. I stumbled across the realization of this reading Grits For Breakfast. Have to end this sooner than later so I'll end by saying, thank God for Grits.